Bud Sprout Bloom Launches Affirmation Cards for Kids

TORONTO, Ontario – Oct. 21, 2020: Toronto mom Elisa Colella   couldn’t have predicted just how welcomed her idea would be to create a simple and fun way to boost children’s self-esteem until the global COVID-19 pandemic hit the community.

Colella, a certified holistic nutritionist and mom of two young daughters, founded Bud Sprout Bloom in 2019 with a focus to guide children aged 10 and under in their emotional development.

That concept bloomed into an affirmation cards for kids toolbox known as The Growing Kit. It was released amid the public health crisis on Sept. 14, 2020, at a time when children and youth were heading back to class after a nearly six-month absence as local schools were shuttered to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

“The Growing Kit can help children express their emotions through affirmations,” said Colella, adding that an affirmation is a short, powerful statement that, when repeated often, can manifest positivity in one’s life. “By using the affirmation cards in the kit, children can recall a time that they felt strong, loved, resilient, courageous, or thoughtful, for example, and talk about those times.”

“Our kit is a great way to sit down and open the conversation with our children about how they are feeling about the COVID pandemic, and about such things as physical distancing, wearing a mask, and transitioning back to the new normal of going to school and learning,” she said.

The pandemic’s effect on children and youth was examined for the first time this spring as part of the Children’s Mental Health Ontario and Addictions and Mental Health Ontario annual mental health index survey, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs.

It found that since COVID-19, more than half (59 percent) of parents noted behavioural changes in their child ranging from outbursts or extreme irritability to drastic changes in mood, behaviour or personality, and difficulty sleeping as well as persistent sadness.

The cards also feature thought-provoking questions that encourage children to start a conversation around that particular card or topic, Colella said. And, the images on each of the 20 cards are descriptive as well. Children can tap into their imagination and describe what they think is happening and how they would or could feel if that was them.

The first run of The Growing Kit sold out within weeks.

“Parents say they love the quality of the kit. It’s durable, wipeable in case of any spills, and it’s a soft, luxurious-feeling product,” Colella said. “Parents have also told me they love the questions on the cards. They say that the questions are not what they would think to ask their child. They also appreciated adding the kit to daily routines, such as at breakfast, dinner, or bedtime.”

One mom wrote to Bud Sprout Bloom to say she looks forward to spending that time with her children, and it is interesting to hear their answers to the questions.

“It’s a brilliant product. The images are beautiful and very charming. Lastly, the colour palette is captivating and fun,” the parent said.

The Growing Kit contains 60 affirmation cards (20 personal affirmation cards and 40 interactive handout affirmation cards) that encourage mindfulness and present children the opportunity to express their emotions and challenges with empathy and purpose.

The affirmations are presented in word combinations that promote good feelings, boost confidence, and teach self-love while opening lines of communication with parents and caregivers.

And, the kits are back in stock.

The Growing Kit can be purchased online for $46.

Media contact:

Elisa Colella, founder of Bud Sprout Bloom and The Growing Kit

Tel: 416-841-8604
Email: hello@budsproutbloom.com
E-commerce website: budsproutbloom.com
Instagram: @budsproutbloom
Facebook: @budsproutbloom


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Bud Sprout Bloom Launches Affirmation Cards for Kids

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